The Effect of Chicken Manure and Biochar Application on The Growth and Yield of Cauliflower (Brassica oleraceae var. Botritys L)
Chicken Manure, Biochar, Growth, Yield, CauliflowerAbstract
Field research was carried out in Raifun village-Maliana Timor Leste from September 2023 to January 2024 at 226 meters above sea level, aiming to determine the effect of chicken manure and biochar on the growth and yield of cauliflower plants. This study used a Randomized Complete Block design (RCBD) that was repeated three times in 3 blocks. the first factor in this study is chicken manure which consists of 3 levels of treatment, namely: without chicken manure (M0), chicken manure dose of 10 t h-1 (M1), and chicken manure with a dose of 20 t h-1. The second factor is biochar which consists of 3 levels of treatment, including: without biochar (B0), biochar 5 t h-1, and biochar 10 t h-1. The results showed that there was an interaction between the two factors in the parameters of plant height, flower weight per plant, and flower weight per hectare. the highest production per hectare was obtained by a combination of a chicken manure treatment dose of 20 t h-1 and a biochar dose of 10 t h-1 of 19.1667 tons. The lowest production per hectare was achieved by a combination of treatments without the application of chicken manure and biochar amounting to 9.1733 tons.
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