Role Played by Imported Constitutions in Promoting Intra Conflicts in Africa


  • Umar Kabanda Pan African University(African Union Commission)Thematic Area Governance and Regional Integration Hosted by University of Yaounde II Soa, Yaounde (


Constitution, Constitutionalism, Conflict in Africa


This paper provides an overview of role played by imported constitutions in promoting intra conflicts in Africa. The paper is grounded on the assumption that African people had their way of leadership where by most of the inhabitants of the land where royal too and would have been the keystone to democratic transition in case of it being evoked than implementation of the imported constitutions that spark off conflict to a great extent due to lack of ownership of these constitutions by the ruled. Paper will highlight the evolution of conflicts, its form and nature in Africa, and also illustrate the presumed causes to these conflicts in Africa by clearly showing a distinction between constitution and constitutionalism practices in the African context. Furthermore the paper will practically illustrate the case study of the Uganda’s constitution of 1995 that clearly demonstrate how incompatible the constitutions are vis-à-vis the expected cultural norm of the inhabitants in the area, then conclusive remark as the conclusion stating way forward as derived from the general discussion in the paper.

Author Biography

Umar Kabanda, Pan African University(African Union Commission)Thematic Area Governance and Regional Integration Hosted by University of Yaounde II Soa, Yaounde (

Umar kabanda is a Ugandan Community Psychologist currently studying in Pan African University with a specialization in governance of the Master of governance and regional integration under scholarship of African Union located in Cameroon


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How to Cite

Kabanda, U. (2013). Role Played by Imported Constitutions in Promoting Intra Conflicts in Africa. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 4(1), 33–49. Retrieved from