Rising Cost of Prescription Medications and Effective Management of Healthcare Costs in the United States


  • Olumayowa Tijani-Eniola Healthcare Management & Advisory


Prescription Costs, Medication, Healthcare Costs, United States, Cost Management.


In 1995, total US spending on healthcare was about $2.9 trillion, representing around 17% of 2013 GDP and a sharp increase from the 12% of GDP it represented in 1995. A large chunk of the healthcare spending was on pharmaceutical products, which represented about 2% of GDP in 2013. Many reasons have been expounded for why medications cost the highest in the United States compared to any other country. This paper aims to (a) Explore the reasons for this high cost and (b) Propose possible solutions to this problem. 


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How to Cite

Tijani-Eniola, O. (2016). Rising Cost of Prescription Medications and Effective Management of Healthcare Costs in the United States. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 15(1), 88–95. Retrieved from https://asrjetsjournal.org/index.php/American_Scientific_Journal/article/view/1224